In these uncertain times, many astrological clients have questions
about relocation. There's a lot more to reading an Astro*Carto*Graphy map than
observing which lines pass close to where you live. For more than
20 years, Jim Lewis, the acknowledged authority on Astro*Carto*Graphy,
trained and certified astrologers to analyze and explain the close
relationships between the individual and his or her place on earth.
In an effort to maintain Jim Lewis's high standards of scholarship and
practice in using both Astro*Carto*Graphy and Cyclo*Carto*Graphy,
Continuum sponsors training and certification for Astro*Carto*Graphy and
retains sole rights to administer
tests and issue Certificates of Proficiency.
A Professional Astro*Carto*Grapher is an individual who understands
the basic principles of astrology, shows familiarity with the techniques
of movement in the horoscope, and is qualified to analyze and explain
an A*C*G map using the techniques of Astro*Carto*Graphy. To be
eligible for Professional Astro*Carto*Grapher status, a person
must pass the certification exam, through the procedure described below.
Benefits of A*C*G Certification
The primary benefit of going through the testing and certification
process, of course, is legitimacy. Being able to say that you are a
certified Astro*Carto*Graphy practitioner is a way of reassuring your
clients and colleagues that you have mastered the principles of
Astro*Carto*Graphy and astrolocality as taught by Jim Lewis. If there are
any gaps in your knowledge, the test is likely to pinpoint them so you can fill in the
gaps. The certification, however, is a way of showing that you are a trained
professional in this astrological specialty.
Some further benefits of certification:
1. Those officially certified will be listed on this site,
with links provided to their email addresses and web pages. The same information will also be listed in the Astro*Carto*Graphy
Practitioners and Teachers Guide to be published by Continuum. This booklet
will be given to A*C*G distributors, who will circulate it throughout
the world.
2. Those passing the test will receive a certificate suitable
for framing to display in their offices.
Study Guides
For the serious student who wishes to prepare for the A*C*G certification exam, the most comprehensive
resource is Continuum's transcript of the tapes from Jim Lewis's last seminar,
a 16-hour training. The 80 plus page transcript with copious handouts is available for $75 from Continuum at the address given on our site. Since such comprehensive training seminars are seldom given now,
this transcript is well worthwhile in that it contains all the basic concepts of A*C*G and illustrations
of how the technique works.
At this time, workshops and seminars on Astro*Carto*Graphy are intermittant
and only Kepler College has a course. You might find it helpful to
use the books and tapes listed on our bibliography. We suggest
that you read the articles by Jim Lewis and others in our large on-site collection of
articles, and that you study our ethical guidelines.
Testing Procedures
Testing will be offered once a year at an Equinox or Solstice, with the
deadline to return the test six weeks later.
The cost for each test is $150.00 domestic / $150.00 international and applicants will be given six
weeks to complete the test unsupervised. Tests will be graded by a
committee of well-known and experienced A*C*G teachers with final
approval granted by Continuum. If the applicant fails the test the
first time, he or she will be able to repeat the test once, within one year, at no
additional cost other than $75 for processing + $20 postage and handling of transcript. As we pay the multiple evaluators $25 per rated test, the cost for anyone retesting falls mainly on Continuum.
To apply for testing, print out the form linked here,
complete it, and return it to the address below with the testing fee.
(Checks or money orders only, as we cannot accept credit cards.)
All money derived from testing, as well as from Jim's intellectual
products, goes to Continuum to benefit
the astrological community.
Continuum tests scheduled to be mailed out on June 20, 2025.
Fill out form below to register by June 1, 2025.
Applicants are given six weeks to complete the test.