Astro*Carto*Graphy Level I Certification Application
City, State, Zip Code__________________________________________________
Telephone: ___________________________Fax: ____________________________
E-mail address ______________________ Website__________________________
Qualifications for Level I - Professional Astro*Carto*Grapher:
(Check all categories which apply/give details in spaces provided
and on back of page):
___ Basic Astrological Training (list courses, teachers or details of self study)
___ A*C*G/C*C*G Training Seminar/s (attach copy of certificate of completion)
On _______________ (dates), I attended ___ hours of training on ____________
given by (teacher)____________________________________________________
On reverse side or a separate sheet of paper, give details of lectures at
Professional Conferences or by Professional Astrological Organizations: (date,
lecture title, speaker)
Personal Study (List applicable books, tapes, study guides, correspondence
Send application and fee to: Karen McCauley, 675 SW 126th Ave, Beaverton, OR 97005-0708
___Enclosed is ($150 domestic/ $150 international) payment to cover A*C*G Level I testing fee. I understand that
this payment entitles me to one free retest next year if I am unable
to pass the current Level I examination.
___Enclosed is $75 + $20 postage for transcript from Sept. 1993 Jim Lewis Certification
I hereby attest that the above noted training and experience
accurately portray my qualifications for analyzing and explaining
A*C*G maps.
Date: ____________ Signature:________________________________________________