A Message from Angel Thompson
Trustee of The Jim Lewis Slayden Foundation
and Director of Continuum
Though he didn't invent the idea of location astrology, Jim Lewis was a
pioneer who made astrology a "moveable feast". He took a kernel of a
thought, and with the help of computer technology, created
Astro*Carto*Graphy, a system that made this information available and
accessible to both astrologers and non-astrologers.
The art of location astrology is as ancient as Stonehenge. It is also
mathematically challenging, which is why, before the invention of personal
computers, most astrologers ignored its potential. In a horoscope, the most
active and expressive planets are the ones on or near the angles (Houses 1,
4, 7, and 10).
Astro*Carto*Graphy takes the chart from the heavens, lays
it over a mercator map of the world, and draws lines showing the places on
earth where each planet of the chart achieves maximum angularity. If you
don't like your horoscope, you can change it by moving to another place; or
by using the laws of correspondence, bring a place to where you are.
Jim's Legacy to the Astrology World
Jim Lewis prided himself on his ability to economize and to live simply, so it
was quite a surprise to everyone that when he died in February, l995, he died
a rich man. His will specified that most was to be divided between his
favorite charities and his family but he was also concerned about the
continuation of AFAN, the Association for Astrological Networking, his pride
and joy.
All the moneys received from the on-going royalties of his
intellectual products, mainly the Astro*Carto*Graphy computer programs,
A*C*G reports, and two books, were to be given to AFAN. If AFAN no longer
existed, if they violated their by-laws, or if there was no outstanding
need, then the royalties were to be given to astrologers as scholarships,
grants, gifts, and so on.
OCTOBER, 2002: CONTINUUM IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE a long awaited addition to Jim Lewis'
legacy--the publication of his posthumous book, Peter Pan in Midlife and the Midlife of America:
A Personal and Collective Memoir. See an excerpt here.
The Emergence of Continuum
When Jim designated me as the trustee to distribute these royalties, it
was an honor, a great blessing but also a tremendous responsibility.
Naturally, AFAN's needs were considered first but there were, and continue to
be people who need support.
Then it came to my attention that Jim had
trained and certified many A*C*G practitioners and had promised them that he
would promote and support their work. So where were these people? Why
weren't they coming forward to teach A*C*G. Before Jim died, he lamented he
had no intellectual heir to carry on his work, but his will made no provisions
with regard to A*C*G.
One afternoon, while brainstorming with Karen McCauley, an idea emerged.
Some of his money could be used to support and promote the practitioners he
had trained. On August 1, 1995, at 2:04 PM, PDT, in Venice, California, Karen
proclaimed the name should be CONTINUUM, and we were in business. First, we
contacted all the people Jim had trained and tested to see if they wanted to
create a network of A*C*G practitioners. Their enthusiasm gave us a vote of
confidence we needed to take the next step.
With the help of Lawrence Walters, certified by Jim Lewis, Ariel Guttman, co-author of Jim's first book, The Astro*Carto*Graphy Book of Maps
, Madalyn Hillis, Donna Cunningham, Ken Irving, Erin
Sullivan, Gregg Howe, and others, Continuum set about:
1) Transcribing Jim's l993 training seminar
2) Creating a curriculum to help those involved in independent study
3) Reconstructing Jim's original certification test
4) Offering A*C*G proficiency testing and certification
5) Maintaining a list of certified practitioners on our website.
Jim's Commitment to AFAN
Jim Lewis was one of the driving forces behind the emergence of AFAN. (To
see a history of AFAN in Jim's own words,
visit the AFAN site.) He wanted AFAN to be the "Astrologers Union", the umbrella under which
all astrologers would find shelter. His goals for AFAN were lofty. AFAN would
secure the civil rights of astrologers, de-criminalize astrology,
advance professionalism; and share its resources with the astrology community.
When Jim died, he alloted the royalties from all his intellectual properties, to
be returned to AFAN and the astrological community in the way of donations,
scholarships and grants. In the past seven years, CONTINUUM has helped AFAN
as well as many astrologers for ordinary as well as extraordinary reasons. Whether the money was needed
to study or travel, to work or recover, for fun and for the future, CONTINUUM
did its best to help. Jim always did. We can do no less.
Continuum's Commitment to Jim Lewis
CONTINUUM upholds the ideals to which Jim was committed. It is
administered as a public service without charge, and is available to anyone
who wants information about A*C*G. At the end of the year, our bank balance
reads zero because any profit earned is given out as part of the royalties.
Continuum donates money to astrologers and others who are in need or who
selflessly work for the good of the astrological community. We support,
through advertising, those individuals who have been trained, tested and are
considered Master Astro*Carto*Graphers. We also publicize the good work of
legitimate individuals or schools working the time-space field of location
astrology. Continuum gave money in Jim's' name to Kepler College.
In return, Jim's name is linked to Aldebaron in Kepler's Circle of Stars. For information
on grants and how to
apply for one, see our Grants Report.
encourages all readers of this page, to seek out and network with
like-minded people; to share their information without reservation or fear;
to help others become proficient in A*C*G or other time-space methods, and
finally, to remember and acknowledge the philosophy and the products that
were the children of Jim Lewis, a great astrologer, teacher and friend.
Continuums' Advisory Board
Administrator: Karen McCauley
A*C*G Curriculum & Testing Advisor: Madalyn Hillis-Dineen
Web Master: Liz Houle
Curator of Jim Lewis' Library: Gregg Howe
Official Distributors of A*C*G Products
US Map Distributor: Astro Numeric Service, Gregg Howe
Sale of Maps Great Britain: Equinox, Robert Currey
Sale of Maps Western Europe: AstroData, Claude Weiss
Sale of Maps: Germany: David Meadows for AstroWelt
Software Distributor: Matrix Software, Michael Erlewine
(For addresses and contact numbers, see our Products page.)
How to Contact Continuum
For testing materials and inquiries contact Karen McCauley:
Karen McCauley
675 SW 126th Ave
Beaverton, OR 97005-0708
Tel: (503) 626-2521
Karen McCauley
We appreciate the countless hours of work by Donna Cunningham
in creating this website. Long a well-known astrological speaker and author, Donna has turned her talents to writing projects and teaching writing seminars.
You can visit her website at: http://www.donnasfreeastrology.info/
The website is now being maintained by Liz
We would like to express our gratitude, as well, to the many
artists whose graphic work illustrates these pages. If you like
what you see, be mindful that their work is copyrighted and
usually only free for personal or non-profit pages like our own.
Those designing websites for professional services or commercial
enterprises should contact the artists directly about their fees,
which are generally quite reasonable. At the bottom of each page,
you will find links to the artists' sites. (Artists, alas,
move about nearly as often as astrologers, so if the link is broken,
enter their name in a search engine to see if they are still on the web.)
CREDITS: This background used with permission of
Montserrat of The
Sacred Feminine and elements came from Art Today.
The earth drawing came from the Rhymester.
Jim's photo courtesy
of Erin Sullivan.
The animated globe is by Iband.
Website maintained by Liz